Wind Storm and Wind Shear
Wind Storm and Wind Shear
Varying weather fronts can clash with catastrophic consequences. Moving air can spawn violent winds, accelerated gusting and powerful wind shears. The high-speed winds, which can cause extensive damage alone, also fuel other devastating weather events such as tornadoes and hail storms.
Our architectural and engineering professionals are qualified and experienced in evaluating wind-related damage to a building’s envelope and structural system including simple beam stability and structural joint failure. In addition to assessments of cause and origin, structural failure, roofing, electrical, re-occupancy and building code, investigators can analyze commercial and industrial equipment to establish damages, estimate repair and time to return to service. Claimed losses can be further established as the result of a particular event, a previous event, or deferred maintenance.
Our investigation experience includes commercial, residential and industrial facilities plus unique components including marine; airports; public water and sewer utilities; cranes; elevators; HVAC; and, more.